Today is April 19, 2024 /

Adult Learning

The Upper Valley Jewish Community offers many opportunities for adults in the community who wish to continue learning about Judaism and Jewish life. Many events are online via Zoom. Some are in person, and some are offered in Hybrid format. Check the Weekly Update on the Home Page for specific information.

Whether you want to become more familiar with Torah and philosophy or you’re more interested in hearing speakers from Dartmouth, there is a vibrant community of Jews already here engaging with our rich intellectual heritage. We would love for you to join us.

Join us on Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30 for weekly Psalms classes, or on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm for Torah Study of the weekly Torah portion. We often offer Book Discussion groups on a variety of topics, such as Israeli literature and Racial Justice.

Would you like to learn more about the Shabbat service and learn the prayers in the Siddur? Visit our Hebrew School’s B’nai Mitzvah Service Order page, where you can listen to the many melodies as well as the texts.

You can find specific information about all opportunities for learning in the Weekly Update or in the Calendar, found on the Home Page.