Today is April 25, 2024 /

Minchah B’Mitzvah

The traditional b’mitzvah is done during Shacharit, the morning service. However, some families may wish to have the b’mitzvah during Minchah, the afternoon service. When the family decides to have the b’mitzvah on Shabbat afternoon, the service has much greater flexibility in terms of what the celebrant may or may not do. The following service can be modified quite liberally, but this is the standard outline.

Traditionally, a b’mitzvah may occur whenever the Torah is taken out and the young person recites the blessing. Since the Torah is sometimes taken out on Shabbat afternoon, this kind of celebration may occur.  The service is much shorter than that of the morning. If the Minchah service is close to sunset, then at the conclusion of this portion of the service, the congregation may read a short prayer or two (e.g. the Shema and V’ahavtah) and/or a psalm and then proceed to Havdalah.

At Kol Ha’Emek, a traditional minchah b’mitzvah consists of the following:

  1. Mah Tovu (p. 554)
  2. Halleluyah (p. 194)
  3. Shema and V’ahavtah (p. 242)
  4. Ashrei in Hebrew or English responsively (p. 558)
  5. Hatzi Kaddish (p. 564)
  6. Torah Service: Shema, Echad, and Gadlu (p. 312)
  7. Reading of Torah with 3 aliyot
  8. Optional Haftorah
  9. Return Torah to Ark: Yehal’lu and Etz Chaim (p. 574)
  10. Hatzi Kaddish (p. 576)
  11. Amidah (p. 578) and L’dor v’dor (580)
  12. Kaddish Shalem (p. 594)
  13. D’var Torah
  14. Community Presentation from the Educational Director
  15. Parents’ talk
  16. Aleinu (p. 610) and Mourner’s Kaddish (p. 616)
  17. Adon Olam (p. 412) or another closing melody

If it is sundown or later at the conclusion of the service, then a Havdalah service can follow immediately. If it is still light outside, then Havdalah can be done in the evening gathering or party.