Today is April 26, 2024 /

Teacher, madrich/a, and tutor application form

Job application for teachers, tutors, and madrichim

Job interest(Required)
For which of the following job are you applying?
Please upload your vaccination record here.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please upload your resume here. If you don't have one, please answer the following questions about your education and work history.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Describe your current educational status. Where have you attended school, what degree(s) have you earned, and what degree are you currently working toward (if any)?
What is your background in Jewish Education? Did you attend religious or Hebrew school as a child? Did you attend a Jewish day school?
Did you continue studying Hebrew past b'mitzvah? If yes, for how many years? What is your level of ability to decode words? To understand blessings?
Please describe your strengths and skills in a school environment.
Why are you interested in teaching/tutoring/being a madrich at Kol Ha’Emek?
Please describe your proficiency with Hebrew and, for tutor candidates, Torah and Haftarah trope.
Please describe any prior experience teaching, volunteering or helping in a Jewish school, camp, or synagogue.
Are you available for the full school year, excluding typical Dartmouth vacations? If not, when are you available? Are you willing to teach remotely (via Zoom) when you cannot be physically present?
Which level?(Required)
What are you interested in teaching? Check all that apply:
Please describe at least two jobs you have held and provide the name and contact information for your supervisor so we can check references.
Please provide any other relevant information.
By typing my electronic signature on this form, I certify that the above information, to the best of my knowledge, is correct. I understand that falsification of this information may prevent me from being hired or lead to my dismissal if hired. I also provide consent for former employers to be contacted regarding work records.